Dr. Jariya Lorwatthanasirikul, M.D.
         Jariya Lorwatthanasirikul博士,医疗总监

Jariya Lorwatthanasirikul, M.D., is the Medical Director at Conrady A.R.T. Clinic.  She specialized in Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinology and Surgery more than 10 years. 
Jariya Lorwatthanasirikul博士,是Conrady A.R.T.的医疗总监。 她专长于不孕不育症治疗、生殖内分泌和外科手术超过10年。 
She was very successful in an education for instance she completed fellowship training in Reproductive Medicine at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital.  
In the past, with her talented she was invited to present a Scientific Presentations at a world class conference such as PGDIS 2013, Istanbul, Turkey and Middle East Fertility Society 2014, Abu Dhabi.
同时,她曾被邀请在PGDIS 2013土耳其伊斯坦布尔和2014年阿布扎比中东生育协会等世界级的会议上发表科学演讲
2000 M.D 2nd honor, Faculty of Medicine, Srinakarinwirot University, Thailand
2000年 获得泰国诗纳卡琳威洛大学医学院第二荣誉学位
2007 Diplomate of Thai Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology
2007年 泰国妇产科委员会文凭
2011 Diplomate of Thai Subboard of Reproductive Medicine
2011年 泰国生殖医学委员会文凭
Professional Experiences
At present : Medical Director, Conrady A.R.T. Clinic, Bangkok, Thailand
目前:泰国曼谷Conrady A.R.T. 诊所医疗总监
Year 2011-2015 : A full-time Infertility specialist and endocrinologists, SAFE Fertility Center
2011-2015年: SAFE生育中心全职不孕不育症专家和内分泌学专家
Year 2015-2018 : Medical Director, Stork A.R.T. clinic
2015-2018年: Stork A.R.T. 诊所医疗总监
Year 2004-2009 : Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration and Vajira Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
Year 2009-2011 : Reproductive Medicine, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
World Class Scientific Presentations   
Comprehensive chromosome screening with vitrified–warmed single blastocyst transfer increases the pregnancy rate in advanced maternal age.  PGDIS 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
主题:全面的染色体筛查和单一囊胚移植技术对高龄产妇的怀孕率的增加。 PGDIS 2013,伊斯坦布尔,土耳其。
Single blastocyst transfer in vitrified-warmed cycle after comprehensive chromosome screening: Is it a better way to success? Middile East Fertility Society 2014, Abu Dhabi.
主题:全面的染色体筛查后,在玻璃化温暖循环环境中进行单次胚泡移植:这是一种更好的成功方法吗? 2014年,阿布扎比的中东生殖协会
Scientific Lecturer 
Invited lecturer at Chulabhorn International College of Medicine, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand.
1. Granulocyte-colony stimulating factors for secondary prevention of leucopenia in patients receiving chemotherapy. J Med Assoc Thai 2006; Suppl4: S47 – 53.
粒细胞集落刺激因子对化疗患者白细胞减少症的二级预防。 J Med Assoc Thai 2006; Suppl4:S47 - 53。
2. Conservative management of placental adherence.  Vajira Medical Journal 2008; 52: 175 – 81. 
胎盘粘连的保守治疗。 Vajira Medical Journal 2008; 52:175-81。
3. Prevalence and risk factors of striae gravidarum in primiparae.  Thai Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2009; 17: 70 – 9.
    初产妇妊娠纹的发病率和危险因素。 泰国妇产科杂志2009; 17:70 - 9。